“If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
(John Stuart Mill, On Liberty)
Teaching Course 2021/2022
Freedom of expression, fake news, democracy (4 cfu)
The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge on the freedom of expression and, in particular, on “social media”. First, freedom of expression, as a fundamental right, will be analysed starting from its foundations. Subsequently, some phenomena closely linked to the freedom of expression on the internet, in particular on social media, will also be analyzed. In this sense, the search for the balance between a maximum freedom of expression online, on the one hand, and the limits of it, necessary in a democratic society, will be of particular interest.
Giorgio Pino (Universita’ Roma Tre), La liberta’ di espressione come diritto fondamentale
Valeria Fiorillo (Universita’ di Palermo & Universita’ Parigi Nanterre), Verita’ storica, verita giuridica
M. Monti (LUISS Guido Carli), Disinformazione e libertà di espressione nella sfera pubblica piattaformizzata
L. Bagnoli (IRPIMedia), Giornalismo di inchiesta quale antidoto alle fake news
Freedom of expression, digital rights, democracy (2 ECTS/CFU)
The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge on the freedom of expression on the web and, in particular, on “social media”. The focus of the course will be on threats to civil liberties, and in particular, freedom of expression, in the online context. These topics will be discussed by speakers working in politics, representatives of social platforms and legal scholars.
Antonella Napolitano (Senior Policy Officer & Network Coordinator, Privacy International), La democrazia dopo Snowden. I diritti digitali.
Andrea Menapace (President of The Civil Liberties Union for Europe & Director of CILD), Data capitalism e libertà civili
Philip Di Salvo (Università della Svizzera italiana di Lugano), Whistleblowing, giornalismo investigativo, la sorveglianza di Internet e le relazioni tra giornalismo e hacking
Veronica Barassi (University of St Gallen, Switzerland), I figli dell’algoritmo: sorvegliati, tracciati e profilati dalla nascita